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Δ1317, Gus Kirby

Initiation Date


Mech. Engineering and Fisheries

Personal Quote

All around a pigs butt is pork

Pledges Brad, Ross, John, and Robbie await the opening of the building

Pledges help Andrea carry things to the van.

Pledge Brad loads a box into the van.

Pledge Brad and 1221 Rob Peck help unload the van.

1221 Rob Peck carries a box from the van.

1221 Rob Peck unloads an old desk.

Pledge John carries in an old sewing machine.

1221 Rob Peck and Pledge Ross carry boxes from the van.

Pledge Robbie carries a box. We packed quite a bit in the van.

Head Starts runs a Sunshine Shop out of here, where they give away things to needy families.

We moved quite a bit out of the van, too.

Pledges Tim and Ross carry things to begin sorting.

1221 Rob Peck and Pledges Robbie and John help sort things out.

The obligatory group photo. Pledges John, Robbie, Ross, and Brad, and 1221 Rob Peck.

Α Φ Ω :: Δ Chapter :: Section 69 :: Region IV

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