Brothers Only Membership Service Fellowship Contact
Δ1266, Taylor McClamroch

Initiation Date


Computer Hardware Engineering

Personal Quote

"Alright Now!" -Birr Souder

Delta Chapter is not like most other fraternities that you will find at Auburn University. Our chapter is smaller than most other organizations. We feel that because of our size that we are stronger and have a more unified brotherhood.

Chapter Founding Information

Delta chapter will be 97 years old as of October 31 of 2024. Unofficially, Delta is the longest continually active chapter in Alpha Phi Omega.

Delta is the fourth chapter of Alpha Phi Omega. Membership is open to individuals of every race, color, and creed, without respect to course study or other fraternal affiliation. Since Delta's founding in 1927, the chapter has initiated 1391 brothers. You can find more information on membership through our Pledge Program.

Alpha Phi Omega is rich in its heritage. Since its founding in 1925, the national fraternity has experienced many changes over the years. However, the symbols and icons of our fraternity have remained fairly constant throughout the years.

Α Φ Ω :: Δ Chapter :: Section 69 :: Region IV

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