Alpha Phi Omega - Delta Chapter
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Your registered user name can be up to 25 characters and passwords can be a maximum of 13 characters. Please use only letters and numbers. Note that your password is not encrypted and may be accessible by the message board administrators. Do not use a password that you are afraid to reveal to anyone.

Most of the information you provide on this page (with the exception of the password) will be viewable by anyone visiting the message board. Thus, if you do not feel comfortable completing any non required fields, please leave them blank.

Login Name: * denotes required field
Password: *
Comfirm Password: *
Email Address: *
Confirm Email Address: *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Address 1:
Address 2:
City: *
Information about yourself:
If you are in Alpha Phi Omega, what chapter are you from?
What is your roll number? The number you initiated in your chapter, sometimes refered to at Delta as our Delta Number.
Write the characters in the image above (Case sensitive)