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Δ1224, Jonathan (Jon) Wright

Initiation Date



Graduation Date
May 14, 2004

Personal Quote

"A lot of people go to college for seven years." "Yeah, they're called doctors."

Jon and Kenny work on one of the smaller paws leading down Donahue.

Many different groups came together to help out on this project. This was another great opportunity for A Phi O to work with our SGA.

Brothers help to start painting the large tiger paw by the corner next to the stadium.

Jon Causey works on the large paw.

Ross Spafford (left) was the member-in-charge for Delta on this project.

Bobby and Elizabeth work on part of the large paw.

Bobby and Elizabeth pose for a picture after completing their masterpiece.

This was the obvious working shot. Got to catch them off guard next time.

Jon cleans up one of the edges. Jon, I think that you are making it worse.

Kenny looks for something else to do.

The project starts to wrap up. We used all of the materials that we had available to use for the project.

Tried to get a picture of the large paw. Not very successful.

Delta thanks everyone who came out for this project. It was lots of fun and nobody got painted. Good job Ross.

Α Φ Ω :: Δ Chapter :: Section 69 :: Region IV

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