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Δ1214, Christopher Smith

Initiation Date


Computer Engineering

Graduation Date

Personal Quote

A good Engineer is a lazy Engineer and a penny borrowed is a penny earned!!

1216 Mac Frasier pulls wood for the fire.

Look out where you throw that!

Pledge Ross supervises.

1217 Justin Gallups hurt from softball.

1214 Chris Smith and 1203 Jason Moon work on a sign.

A scout troop sets up camp.

Brothers getting ready for the campfire.

Brothers gather around the staff table next morning.

Scouts get ready for the day.

We had 330 scouts and 100 adults.

Computers was one of the many merit badges taught.

Scouts work diligently at their machines.

Brothers perform skits for the scouts.

The roaring campfire.

Scouts listen while the instructor presents some new material.

Prof Mouton speaks to one of his students in the Plumbing class.

This is Prof Mouton's second year participating in MBU.

Adult leaders converge in the hall to take a short break.

After an intensive morning session, scouts get an opportunity to refuel.

Brother Wright was a class coordinator for the Drafting class thought in 408 Dudley Hall by Brother Harlan Price.

Brother Price presents new information to the class.

Harlan selects some drafting tools to present to the class.

Prof. Anoop Sattineni taught the Computers class in Dudley Hall.

Students listen as Prof Tarik Orgen goes over the Architecture class.

Students and adults were very pleased on how this class was taught.

Prof. Tom Cooper taught the Surveying class this year.

Cooper and his jokes…by the way, did you here the one about the lawyer and…

Last year's MBU director, 1188 Brad Pierce, and this year's cook. For anyone who has directed MBU before this is a promotion.

Brad and Laura start sorting out the patches and shirts.

Adults leaders spend the day relaxing and discussing ideas with other leaders.

Adults leaders sure do know how the get comfortable.

The Soil and Water Conservation class poses for a picture. Dr. James Brown instructed the class again this year with Brother Mike Watts as his class coordinator.

The Scouts get crazy for a picture.

Laura poses with her Photography class. Brother Jeremy Cushen was the class coordinator.

Another crazy picture.

Scouts take a quick break from class.

Mr. Dozier and his son Brother John Dozier instructed the Entrepreneurship class.

Brother Jimmy Courington and Jason Godfrey instruct class.

The class is focused on the material.

Brother Locy helps a scout with a project for the Electricity/Electronics class.

Ian oversees scouts as they prepare their project.

The Art class works with compressed charcoal.

More art. It is everywhere.

These guys are so into drawing, that they worked right through their break.

Laura gets her class ready to do their afternoon project.

Scouts work on getting points with the instrument.

Cooper demonstrates to one the surveying groups how to use a vernier instrument.

Time for a joke…Did you hear the one…

This scout impressed Cooper on how quickly he learned how to read all of the surveying instruments.

The surveying class was a new addition to the classes offer at MBU.

This surveying group takes a quick break on the grass.

A graduate student helps this group with the instrument.

Landscape Architecture works on some drawings for class.

Landscape Architecture was taught in Dudley Hall by some very dedicated Landscape Architecture students.

Α Φ Ω :: Δ Chapter :: Section 69 :: Region IV

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