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Δ1261, John Bernhard

Initiation Date


Nurse Practitioner/Nursing/International Business

Graduation Date

Uno was the entertainment for most of the project.

These are some serious UNO players.

Victory is bitter sweet.

Read the hat, it speaks for itself.

Jersey 1

Jersey 2

Jersey 3

Jersey 4

Entrance to the camp.

Delta enjoys working with the Y on many different types of projects.

The focus of this project was working on some existing erosion control.

David watches from a distance.

Something always has to get broken. Someone sprung a leak.

Erosion control...take 2.

Mac has lost his marbles.

Jason Moon

Jon Wright

Picture of the camp.

Jersey 5

Seatbelts people.

Everyone seemed to have a good time at this particular project. Good job Delta.

Brothers hangout on the deck.

These cabins look like huge tents.

David hibernates.

David, BR, and Mike pose for a quick picture.

Α Φ Ω :: Δ Chapter :: Section 69 :: Region IV

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