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Δ1209, David Self

Initiation Date


History of Sci. and Tech.

Graduation Date
4 August 2003

Personal Quote

"History shall be kind to me, for I intend to write it." - Sir Winston Churchill

The Pledge Program

Delta Chapter conducts a Pledge Program for the mutual benefit of both Pledge and Chapter. The program's duration is approximately ten weeks and is described in the following page. It serves to achieve the following objectives:

  • To serve as an introduction to Alpha Phi Omega.
    The structure of the program gives each Pledge time to earn the friendship of the Brothers through sharing in the various programs of the Chapter.
  • To inform the Pledge about our Fraternity, past and present - its history and its purpose.
    This is accomplished through Pledge Meetings, through signature sessions with Active Members, and through the Big Brother / Little Brother program.
  • To unify the Pledges with each other and with the active members through group participation in the activities of the Chapter and of the Pledge Class.
  • To permit each individual to qualify in the principles of Leadership, Friendship, and Service.
    Through the program established by and for the Pledge Class, each Pledge is afforded ample opportunity to develop these qualities. Many Pledges and Brothers alike have discovered the best in themselves while engaging in service to others.
  • To provide each Pledge with a definite opportunity to exhibit character desirable to Alpha Phi Omega.
    Membership in Alpha Phi Omega, Delta Chapter, is earned, not granted on any preconceived judgment.
  • To give the Pledge and Chapter a trail period and to give the Pledge a definite opportunity to decide whether or not to accept an invitation of the Chapter to become an Active Member.
    Each Pledge is a part of the Fraternity and of Delta Chapter from the moment he pledges. Each is witness to what Alpha Phi Omega is and does each day for others.

There is no hazing or informal initiation connected with Alpha Phi Omega. The Pledge Program will allow each Pledge to demonstrate his interest in Service, but in no way will it demean him as an individual, nor will it require him to perform personal service for the Active Members.

Α Φ Ω :: Δ Chapter :: Section 69 :: Region IV

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