Brothers Only Membership Service Fellowship Contact

Δ1260, Bryan Andress

Initiation Date


Hotel & Restaurant Management

Personal Quote

Why settle for one? Why not 2 or 3? Dream big. You might never wake up.

Website Construction Tools

  • Macromedia Studio MX 2004
  • Notepad
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Acrobat Writer
  • Microsoft Access Databases
  • ASP Reference Books

Website Innovations

  • Active Server Pages
    • Online Registrations - MBU, 75th
    • Online Membership Records
    • Picture Gallerys - Service and Fellowship Galleries
    • Service Project Library
    • News Page and Archive
    • Dynamically Updated Officer and Current Member Page
    • Surveys
    • Message Boards
    • File Uploading
    • Popup Calendar Control
  • XML Namespaces
  • Javascript
  • Online Payments

Awards Received

  • Study Web Academic Excellence Award
  • Α Φ Ω Cool Site Award (x2)

Α Φ Ω :: Δ Chapter :: Section 69 :: Region IV

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